Monday, September 13, 2004

ARTstor follow-up

According to the site statistics, many of the readers who make it here are searching for my earlier posts on ARTstor. With those pages now about to drift off the top page, I thought it would be good to post an update about where things stand.

After my initial posts, I received contact from ARTstor Executive Director James Schulman. Based on that conversation, and a subsequent message from him, I am led to believe that some additional clarification or perspective will be offered to the academic community on the issue of ARTstor's interoperability strategy. To date, I have not seen anything, but I am hopeful. If more information becomes available, I'll respond to it here.

In the meantime, if you care about ARTstor's future role in supporting academic study of images, I humbly suggest that we collectively express how critical it will be to for ARTstor images to be usable side-by-side with our other image collections.

Additional reading:
The Luna Insight Users Group mailing list had some related discussions on the issue of interoperability.

Image Stuff, the newsletter of the Visual Resources Association, published ARTstor's most recent statement on interoperability plans. They will, I assume, also cover any major new developments.


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